Time To Store That Matress!

You want to buy a new mattress, but you’re not sure where it should go. Mattresses are expensive and difficult to move.

When it comes to deciding the price of a bed, there are a lot of options. The price of a mattress can vary depending on the type.

When deciding whether or not to store your mattress, consider these factors.

The condition of your mattress

Even if a mattress is stored in a clean area, it can still become contaminated.

You can hire dry cleaners to clean your mattress prior to storage. Use a handheld vacuum cleaner to remove dirt, hair and other debris. In direct sunlight, dry the areas that you’ve washed.

Baking soda can also be used to clean and freshen your mattress before storing it.

Mattress cover for long term storage

Protect your mattress from dirt and dust by covering it with something.

You can then place your mattress in a box. It will be easier to move the mattress from one location to another.

Transporting or moving your mattress

The market offers a variety of mattresses.

Help someone move a mattress that is larger than queen or king size. You will avoid falling and getting injured.

You don’t have to tie your mattress on top of the car. Instead, rent a truck hauling your mattress.

The storage space is just as important as the packaging

Consider where you’ll store your mattress. Mold will grow in moist and dark areas.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over half of American households are affected by mold or dampness. Instead of storing them at your home, you can rent a storage unit near you that is temperature-controlled. It eliminates any worries about water, dirt, or moisture damage. The storage facility can recommend a reputable mover to help you with moving and packing your mattresses.

Mattresses in storage – Position

You’ll need to decide where to store your mattress after you have found the ideal storage area. The foam will not be able to be used again.

Store horizontally. The material will not be damaged, and it will remain the same. Do not put boxes or bags over the foam.

The conclusion of the article is:

Greenbar Secure Storage can help you store a clean, dry mattress for many years.

This post was written by a professional at Greenbar Storage. Greenbar Storage has a wide range of storage units available in Prineville, Oregon. They offer a variety, including ground-level access, security cameras, 24/7 accessibility, and parking spaces. Locally owned and operated, we are the best choice for convenient and clean storage solutions in the Prineville, Oregon region. All of our commercial storage clients accept deliveries from businesses.